
方糖和糖在勺子里. 绿松石背景上的白糖

天然糖 和 添加糖

的re are two types of sugars in foods: 自然 occurring sugars 和 添加糖.

  • 发现了天然存在的糖 自然 in foods such as fruit (fructose) 和 milk (lactose).
  • 添加糖包括 任何 sugars or caloric sweeteners that are 添加 to foods or beverages during processing or preparation (such as putting sugar in your coffee or adding sugar to your cereal). 添加糖 (or 添加 sweeteners) can include natural sugars such as white sugar, 红糖和蜂蜜, as well as other caloric sweeteners that are chemically manufactured (such as high fructose corn syrup). 


的  major sources of 添加糖 in American diets are sugary beverages, 甜点, 甜的零食, 加糖的咖啡, 甜茶和糖果.


Read the Nutrition Facts on the food label to underst和 how much 添加 sugar is in a food.

  • 总糖 include both 添加糖 和 natural sugars.
  • 添加糖 是你想要限制的人吗.
  • 天然糖 are found in milk (lactose) 和 fruit (fructose). Any product that contains milk (such as yogurt, 牛奶或奶油)或水果(新鲜的), 干的)含有一些天然糖.

For items such as granulated or powdered sugar, maple syrup or honey that are sold as separate food products, 只能列出总糖. However, you 需要 to be aware those are 100% 添加糖.

If there is no Nutrition Facts label on a prepared food in the grocery store or restaurant, some ingredients on the package or menu will tell you that the product contains 添加糖 using a different name.

Names for 添加糖 on labels include:

  • 红糖
  • 玉米甜味剂
  • 玉米糖浆
  • 浓缩果汁
  • 高果糖玉米糖浆
  • 蜂蜜
  • 转化糖
  • 麦芽糖
  • 糖蜜
  • 粗糖
  • 糖 molecules ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose)
  • 糖浆

On some food products, you may see claims related to sugars. Here are some common terms 和 their meanings:

  • 无糖 -小于0.5 g of sugar per serving;  contains no ingredient that is a sugar
  • 低糖或少糖 – at least 25 percent less sugars per serving compared to a st和ard serving size of the traditional variety
  • No 添加糖 or Without 添加糖 – no sugars or sugar-containing ingredient is 添加 during processing
  • 低糖 – not defined or allowed as a claim on food labels 


Although sugars are not harmful in small amounts to the body, our bodies don’t 需要 添加糖以使功能正常. 添加糖 contribute additional calories 和 zero nutrients to food. 

Over the past 30 years, Americans have steadily consumed more 和 more 添加糖 in their diets. Reducing 添加糖 can help you to cut calories, improve your heart health 和 control your weight.

的 美国心脏协会 recommends limiting the amount of 添加糖 你吃. 


You have a daily energy 需要 — the amount of calories (or energy units) your body 需要s to function 和 provide energy for your activities. Think of your daily energy 需要 as a budget. You’d organize a real budget with “essentials” (things like rent 和 utilities) 和 “extras” (such as vacation 和 entertainment). 在每日卡路里预算中, the essentials are the minimum number of calories you 需要 to meet your nutrient 需要s.

Depending on the foods you choose 和 the amount of physical activity you do each day, you may have calories leftover for “extras” such as:

  • Eating additional foods from a food group above your daily recommendation.
  • Selecting a food that’s higher in fat or contains 添加糖 (whole milk vs. 脱脂或加糖vs. 不加糖的谷类食品).
  • 在食物中添加调味品或酱料的.
  • 吃甜点.

美国心脏协会 recommendations for a heart-healthy eating pattern will help you to focus on the essentials first.











